How did this all begin, you may be wondering. How did I find out what was wrong? The short answer is that I got a bunch of tests done over a week in January leading up to the diagnosis. The better and longer answer starts in October, when I developed a little, seemingly benign cough that would plague me the entire fall. It was this cough that told me something wasn’t completely right, and it would turn out to be a major warning sign for what was to come. At first I assumed the cough would go away naturally, but weeks were passing and nothing was changing. I visited various doctors who all prescribed me different things but nothing seemed to really be working. I had begun to suspect that this was no normal cough, but most people generally laughed me off when I said so. It had almost become a running joke with me- it was always coming up in conversation, because I was literally always coughing. I even wrote a paper in English about how my distracting cough had prevented me from f...
THE TRUE CONFESSIONS OF A CANCER KID: Chronicling my journey from a normal stressed out high school student to a REALLY stressed out high school student.